19 August 2004

Offending peeps everywhere

I thought they locked up the hurricane. You know, what was that whole Bobby Dylan song about then? But it seems he knocked out Florida in his old age. Bad joke. Maybe. But no one reads this anyway. So hurricane Chuck came through and busted shit up like herpes.
Whenever I think of tropical storms, I think of hurricane Andrew. I think it was the first hurricane not to have a girls name. But I could be wrong. Anyway, that shit happened when I was in 7th or 8th grade. Well my friend, Andrew, hung the Time magazine cover in his locker. It read, "Andrew's wrath. Did it have to be so bad?" I thought that shit was funny.
I feel bad for the people who had their shit destroyed. But not too bad, because they have insurance. If they didn't fork out the dough, then they deserve it. I mean hello, you live in a hurricane zone, this ain't new shit. Buy the insurance. It's a dead issue.
There was something I wanted to get off my chest, but I forget what was weighing so heavily on me. I am 60% positive it had nothing to do with heavy rain and wind gusts. But I got started on it, and you know how it goes.
I am watching this shit on the history channel, partly because PTI isn't on and partly because it's interesting. But none of that shit matter now, because what this show has taught me has me thinking of some serious shit. See there is a sniper rifle hybrid grenade launcher. This piece has a night vision scope too. Now I wonder, who is so bad ass that a sniper bullet won't do the trick? If I had to guess...Joe Pesci.