24 August 2004

Pain is my Penance

So like yeah, in case you missed the juxtaposition yesterday. Fuck him, and everyone who looks like him. And straight to hell, Clash style, with all like him for that matter. The Yossarian is down to like five friends now. Maybe we should start a hockey team. Be anti-whoeverthehellyou want, as long as it isn't me. I've done nothing wrong, that's how I am where I am. I'm 26, earned three degrees and just trying to get to where I want to be. So whatever, I don't care anymore, I'm beyond it. The Yossarian lives, he is eternal. I am a reasonable guy; I've just seen some very unreasonable things. Anyone want to tell me why the powers that be don't make more films involving Jack Burton? I'll tell you why, because the world isn't ready. He is like the Jesus of films. Only instead of saving sons of bitches, he makes them pay. But they can both see things no one else can see.
But whatever, the truth is simply put this: You want lobster? Huh! I'm thinking Burger King. Speaking of that shit, didn't Janet Jackson say she had an alter ego named "Strawberry?" Well, Strawberry, Strawberry the neighborhood ho.


Blogger Alfred said...

bitch wants a hit she better get her knees dirty

25/8/04 16:48  

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