14 July 2005

I Wish It Would Rain

Right. You know what is funny? Allegations. Like how one night I allegedly drank a lot of beer. Then, allegedly drank more beer. Allegedly I later made fun of some fat people. I then allegedly stole a shopping cart and proceeded to bash it into every car I saw on the 20-block walk home. The allegations go on to state that I was called back to the party to please the hostess with my mouth. See funny. Because why would any of that happen?
I knew this girl once. She had this way of living. I admired it. She just didn't give a fuck. I mean, I don't give a fuck, but this girl REALLY didn't give a fuck. Rent? Why would I pay you rent? That kind of nonchalance. She would eat pasta she made three days prior and never bothered to refrigerate it. It was spectacular. I admired her. But I heard a bus or something hit her.
Mother. I have been brushing my teeth every morning and night. I shower at least twice a day and make a point of it to wash behind my ears. I always say thank you and please. I call everyone by sir or mam. I chew with my mouth closed. I exercise regularly and eat my green vegetables. I get plenty of sleep and I never sit too close to the TV. I do all I can to be nice to people, keep an open mind and heart while sticking to my values and beliefs. I never eat meat on Friday’s. I attend mass every Sunday. I do this because you told me it was good, that my actions would be noted and I would be rewarded for doing the right thing. I try. I really do. I thank you. I love you. I couldn't have asked for a better mother. For all you are, and most importantly, for all you aren't, I appreciate you. I want to get into this remote viewing program the Army has to offer. Only they don’t offer it anymore. So it looks like I have to go to the CIA or learn it through private teachers. Bummer.
I hate the summer. I hate the sun. Fuck the sun, long live the fucking beast. I can't wait to get to Seattle in time for the holidays. I made a decision to move back to Boston when I am done with my current employment. I love cities.


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