With All The Hooker's Sayin'

Right. I had a dream last night. A dream of epic proportions. I don't remember it, but it had to do with my mother, the Skate Life Crew, Guns and Roses and me being mugged in Vegas. I ended up naked and pulling a drive by on my attacker because he stole my clothes and G'n'R does not take kindly to members of the Skate Life Crew being fucked with.
The Skate Life Crew was the name a clique of friends decided to call itself. They mainly went to shows and to Denny's. I was a part of that magical time.
Anyway I would like to comment on your smile. I hate it. It makes me sick to my stomach. My gullet cries out in pain to be tortured every time I see it. It hurts to know that a smile so wonderful and completely beautiful can be subject to the sullies of such wretchedness as human beings. We are wretched, and your smile is so perfect it ought never have to suffer through the indignities others impose upon it. The emotions I feel when I look at it are too strong for me to comprehend. I know that as mortal beings your smile will soon enough fade as we grow older and will one day cease to exist, thus I hate your fucking smile. But I believe that the real reason I despise your smile is that it reminds me of my own limitations. I will never be as beautiful. I will remember it for as long as I can, but will eventually forget it. I do not have the ability to describe it to the extent it deserves. I will fail in making part of you immortal.
you're intense...I like when you go off like this. wow.
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