We Just met
Right. Tomorrow we should burn it all to the ground. It is quite the procrustean argument to say that Oscar lived in a trashcan because he was a puppet. Maybe it was a creative decision, decided upon by the deciders of such decisions, based on the fact that sometimes a man must watch a dog fight four chickens. Then the man must throw money at a fat mustached Mexican man letting him know the enjoyment level derived from the show and that the man expects the dog to win. The dog never wins...the dog never wins. In that scenario, everyone wins but the dog. However, since the dog is an integral component of bringing such joy to everyone involved, the dog must win in a metaphysical sense. Why would someone go to the point to say someone is especially not a genius?
When I am done with my time in the military, I am going to pull robberies of priceless antiques, which I will place prices on and the prices will be high. If you want what I am selling, you best bring cash because I don't take American Express. I am going to rob the entire Louvre. The entire building will be gone. The windows, floor tiles, fake security cameras and louvers will all be stashed at my secret underground base in North Dakota.
I love tomato soup.
Her lips shine like the illuminating North Star in the skies above the Atlantic Ocean, a beacon ushering travelers to follow. Instilling the desire to visit the glossy tenderness by all who see. We build better ships, we fashion metal and steam engines and we develop better tools and turbines and rockets in an attempt to reach her lips. We fail. No matter how much we build or better ourselves the lips will never be close to ours. No matter how deep our desires are we will never feel the lips pressed against ours. We fail to realize it is her decision. She will visit us. So a few of us, who have such patience and knowledge, wait. And wait we will, because she has better things to do and is drawn to those building the turbines, and she thirsts for rocket fuel. She may say she wants something else, but all actions prove her a liar. She may say she's tired of those building better equipment to try to impress her, but it still goads her to hypocrite herself. She cannot understand that once the rocket can reach her, it is in the very nature of the rocket to try and visit other systems. Yet the ones who wait will wait eternally, because no matter the scores, incomes or privileges, we are all plain, stupid and filthy.
When I am done with my time in the military, I am going to pull robberies of priceless antiques, which I will place prices on and the prices will be high. If you want what I am selling, you best bring cash because I don't take American Express. I am going to rob the entire Louvre. The entire building will be gone. The windows, floor tiles, fake security cameras and louvers will all be stashed at my secret underground base in North Dakota.
I love tomato soup.
Her lips shine like the illuminating North Star in the skies above the Atlantic Ocean, a beacon ushering travelers to follow. Instilling the desire to visit the glossy tenderness by all who see. We build better ships, we fashion metal and steam engines and we develop better tools and turbines and rockets in an attempt to reach her lips. We fail. No matter how much we build or better ourselves the lips will never be close to ours. No matter how deep our desires are we will never feel the lips pressed against ours. We fail to realize it is her decision. She will visit us. So a few of us, who have such patience and knowledge, wait. And wait we will, because she has better things to do and is drawn to those building the turbines, and she thirsts for rocket fuel. She may say she wants something else, but all actions prove her a liar. She may say she's tired of those building better equipment to try to impress her, but it still goads her to hypocrite herself. She cannot understand that once the rocket can reach her, it is in the very nature of the rocket to try and visit other systems. Yet the ones who wait will wait eternally, because no matter the scores, incomes or privileges, we are all plain, stupid and filthy.
oh my god...that last paragraph...again.
i'm building rockets...but they're not for her lips....
i'm glad you live faraway
what? why? thats not a nice thing to say.
i meant it in the sense that...um....i would be tempted to seek you out...if'n you lived closer...and that would be a stickky situation.
there. you happy now?
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