26 May 2006

And Then There Was More

Right. My computer is back, but only in the sense that it is here on my desk. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. So it's not back and in full effect. It's more like when you had a brand new toy as a child and it worked properly, and then you went to school and upon your return home your brother had beat the shit out of your new toy and your mom tried to fix it, but since she can't meld plastic the thing is fucked and won't work right ever. I guess it's more like getting your pitching arm back after a botched Tommy John's surgery. You can throw, but you ain't going to hit your spots again. My computer just sucks.
What else? This whole, "movement to Germany," thing is a pain in my ass. Then I found out two days ago that I will be the 2nd Platoon Leader in the Army to get a new version of this certain vehicle. This means I will be training on it the entire time before deployment. All this means to you is that my plan to meet a hot and rich Eastern European woman to marry is now fucked.
I think the main reason I like Chad McGreevy so much is because he, like myself, doesn't give a fuck about the apple cart. We illustrated this characteristic by lighting an apple cart on fire the other day. I also like Chad because he has genius escape plans. The kind of escape plans that are genius. He's great.
I been tired.
I'm about to get a new tattoo.
Have you ever seen? I think it's strange you never knew.
We waited at the same time in the same place but for different things. I read a three month old issue of Time Magazine while she filed her nails. I watched her from the corner of my eye as I pretended to be interested in the article. She watched her nails. I was holding back from coughing up a lung as she limped to the water cooler. She drank as I awoke from a slumber I didn't realize I was sleeping until I saw her. She grinned at me as if she had seen a million people wake up. I got my breathing under control in order to stop the urge to cough and sooth my throat. She sat one chair closer to me. I tossed the magazine aside and tied my shoe. She limped past me and ran her fingers through my hair. I didn't know a rose could carry a rifle.


Blogger Blush said...

"i didnt know a rose could carry a rifle"

rock on,

26/5/06 19:44  
Blogger Nervous said...

show us your tats

27/5/06 18:21  
Blogger Yossarian said...

see? ???

27/5/06 19:46  

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