26 April 2007

Keep Me Immortal

Right. I can't stand this asshat. Chad McGreevy just shouted, "nuff said." Because he agrees. We all hate him. I'm the only one with balls big enough to say it. Number 36, you are Nick Cage. Asshat.
I promise you this will be the last post about this, but I have nothing else to write about today.
You know how like in 7th grade you sat in class and day dreamed of what life would be like in high school? Then in high school you sat around talking about what college was going to be like. When you were in college, in between keggers and finals, you got pretty excited thinking of job opportunities. Then, instead of taking a job you went to grad school and you sat around thinking of how great it was going to be to get on a schedule and make some money and wear a suit and have a job finally. Then instead of getting a job you joined the Army and you spent all day thinking of what to do when you got out. You remember that?
Ever since I got stop lost, I can't picture ever returning.
I don't know. Han Solo would have said he had a bad feeling. Only, I don't have any feeling. I just know that come August I will be gone for 15 months. I can't think of life after. It's weird.
I'm sure I will come back I guess. I just don't think of it. All I think of is sand and blood. And titties. But I always think of titties.
Part of my job is to think of courses of action the enemy might take. I look at the battlefield and pretend to be the enemy and tell the boss what I think the enemy might do. Today, when I was briefing everyone what I think the most likely 6 courses of actions are during our time in Iraq (and it's all based on history, man power, weapons etc.) one course of action I said made everyone shut up for once.
I simply explained that never in the history of the Army, has such a large percentage of its fighting force been concentrated in one city. So, if I were the enemy and I had it at my disposal, I'd nuke the city.
That pretty much ended the briefing.
I can't think of a word that rhymes with fifteen.
I had just gotten used to new blogger and it reverted back to this old blogger bullshit. Lame.
I think it's clear that I do not browse myspace profiles and look at hot women and keep said hot women in my secret favorites file and look at them thinking of scenarios where we meet and I end up boning or marrying an arbitrary one I pick that minute. Clearly. That does not happen. Losers do that.
So I have been wanting to get married as of late. It's because everyone I know is married and I coach all these little league sports. And my best friend here has 4 boys. And aside from constant ball kicking, kids are fun.
I still promise that if I ever win the powerball all I will do is coach little league sports. That and buy cars and a house and build a church and shit.



Blogger Joe said...

he is a douche bag who speaks in the same monotone in every movie and he cannot act

27/4/07 07:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ain't married.

27/4/07 10:54  
Blogger Blush said...

dammit someone beat me to it.
nicolas cage is a complete douchebag.
come up with something new yossarian, shit.
oh wait, nuke the city.
not quite new, but new enough!

stop it yer makin me horny

29/4/07 16:14  
Blogger Grampa said...

Everytime a new Nick Cage movie comes out, the world gets a little uglier.

I can't believe the powers that make movies keep giving him money to play the same annoying dickface over and over again.

They should use that money for your student loans.

30/4/07 21:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Nicholas Cage? I don't know for sure, but maybe I just like him because a lot of shit blows up in most of his movies...either that, or I have no taste in actors. Wait...does Janis Joplin act?

24/10/07 11:07  

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