23 September 2007

Dancing With Your Mother

Right. We all know this sucks. That's fine. It blows. Whatever. But let me tell you this. When Alexander entered Babylon, there was a reason he didn't enslave the people. Any people who can create cities like these, will never be enslaved. Beautiful. Amazing. Were it not bombed to shit, Baghdad would be prettier than Paris. It is leaving though. And that is disturbing. Because while I don't trust a single Iraqi I have dealt with, I imagine if left alone and left in peace, and if peace can be achieved amongst themselves - Iraq would be the hub of the world. When people this shady are this creative, there is no stopping them. But en sha la.
Another thing...it is fucking hot. Lindsey Lohan hot. Like searing. It is a shite side of insine. Ramadan blows. No eating or drinking in the hot assed sun makes people go crazy. My job still sucks. Send booze. But hide that shit prison style. Like in a scope bottle.
I work out a lot. I can now do 98 handstand pushups before I collapse. I am done running though. It's too fucking hot to run. I sweat my nutsac off every fucking time I step foot outside.
What the fuck is with Notre Dame sucking? Fuck that.
Go Yankees.



Blogger xTx said...

please dont sweat your nutsac off. that would be a sad sorry waste of a perfectly good nutsac. (im assuming. i mean, maybe your nutsac is freakish and hangy like a couple of limes in a nylon stocking. in that case, go ahead and sweat it off)

23/9/07 07:30  
Blogger Kristiana said...

I can do 30 girl push-ups x 4 = 120 which I think is worth at least one handstand push-up. I froze my tits off the other day trying to ride my bike a hunnert miles and if I had that kind of credit I would give you some of yours for some of mine. Hot for cold. Go Yankees.

23/9/07 22:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the real purpose of running is just not to get too big. insert athletic feat here. i benched 135 lbs then ate alot of ice cream. then i blasted my abs with the ab blaster, which didnt do the job. then i tried the ab master blaster and i ran that shit like barter town.

24/9/07 22:14  
Blogger GUYK said...

Hell, I don't trust the Iraqis I know and see here in the land of beer and the big PX! But I do agree that IF they could ever make the peace among themselves no telling what they could create.

But that if is a big IF and I have my doubts..the only way those people have ever been governed was by a stick and that was a BIG fuckin' stick. And the way they were governed was to impale a few on that stick every so often just as a reminded of who was the government and who was the governed.

25/9/07 17:27  
Blogger jades said...

Does the Scope thing work?

2/10/07 10:49  
Blogger constant drama said...

Do you need to fast too just coz you're in Iraq and its Ramadhan there?

6/10/07 01:33  

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