20 April 2008

Give Me Whiskey When I'm Thirsty

Right. And give me a headstone when I die.
I am tired. Exhausted. I had recently redefined the word exhausted to mean something entirely different. However, in this context, the word means the same is always has. Tired. I looked at myself in the mirror today for the first time in months. I use an electric razor and dont try to shave very well, so I never really see myself. I am tired. It shows.
I have scars on my face of which I am tired of seeing.
I have scars on my life of which I am tired of being.
I have veins on my hands and I am tired of them pumping.
I have scars on my soul of which I am tired of feeling.
I have scars on my heart of which I am tired of concealing.
I have a curve in my spine because I am tired of slumping.
I have scars on my body of which I am tired of hiding.
I have scars on my advice of which I am tired of providing.
I have scars in my brain and I am tired of them not healing.
I have scars in my eyes of which I am tired of revealing.
I am tired of everything. I am tired of getting the shit kicked out of me. Mentally. Emotionally. Physically. I am beaten and tired. I do this to myself. It is my fault. I make bad choices. I make horrible decisions. I am too considerate. Everyone feeds off me, and I just give. I have endless energy for others. I have nothing for myself. I am tired of getting the shit kicked out of me.
Seven months left. Seven months seeing apparitions who ignore me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

but only three months to athens. dates. now.

23/4/08 16:57  

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