02 October 2007

It's True

Right. Look at the way the palm trees blacken up against the sky at dusk. As you drive away from them they do like everything else, they vanish. People ask me a lot what Iraq is like. It's hot. People ask me all the time if this is the right thing to do, or if my perception has changed since I've been here. I don't know. I don't really want to change your mind. People ask me what I need. Booze. People ask me how I am. Fine. People ask me to write more. I am, just not here. People ask me where I am in Iraq. People ask this as they sit in air conditioned brick homes with loved ones around and drinks being poured. I ask God a lot for peace to fall on these people. God answers every prayer, in his own time. While we wait, if you don't believe in good or evil, come to Iraq and tell the devil why. I ask you for only one thing. But my wireless connection fails everytime I email you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

does god have email?

3/10/07 01:19  
Blogger Unknown said...

come on dude, scope.

3/10/07 16:54  
Blogger jades said...


3/10/07 16:55  
Blogger xTx said...

1. what kind of booze would you want if you could get booze?

2. Does your mail get searched and if so, do you think they would cut open a teddy bear to check if anything was hidden inside it?

i'm just askin.....

4/10/07 10:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Tribe!

6/10/07 17:28  

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