22 September 2004

I am still in love with Claire Danes

Sweet merciful crap. It's coming down to it. Two more to go. So I don't know if I wrote this, but I am in the process of writing letters and emails to peeps with really offensive amounts of money. I am asking them to pay off my student loans. So far LeBron, Peyton, Oprah and A-Rod have not gotten back to me. But I also sent a bunch of letters to corporations informing them that I have no intent to work for them, but ask for them to pay off my student loans. Hopefully this works out.

It's Mr. Lucas Jackson to you. Cool Hand Luke to everyone else. Word. See everyone has his or her own view of my man here. I took a philosophy class where we watched this movie and scene-by-scene we broke it down and interpreted the story as an analogy of the story of Jesus and the Apostles. Most people are all like, "This is the epitome of nonconformist movies." Blah Blah Blah. Here's where it is at. Shit is just too easy, so you get bored and fuck it up. He did real good in the war, won a bunch of medals. Left as a buck private. Civilian life was cool, but you get bored and cut the heads of parking meters. So you go to the chain gang for two years. No doubt you hear all the stories of how hard jail is. Shit is rocky at first; the big dog in the pen hates you. He whoops your ass. But eventually you just sort of rock out. You beat the warden at his own game. The inmates love you. You're coasting. Shit can't be this easy can it? Well mom is sick and she dies. The warden fucks with you. You split. Basically you keep looking for a challenge. How much harder can you make shit? By the end of the movie you have the ultimate challenge, to know you will die and not rectify the situation. But for the most part, he has a knack for fucking everything up. I dig it.


Blogger pom. said...

ahh.. Tangled Tapestries are what it's all about. I s'pose I echo 'keith's uncle' in the part about the list kickin' ass though I'd prolly never refer to you as buddy. But yeah, keep on keepin' on. Right? onward.

23/9/04 01:55  
Blogger pom. said...

and, shit. i'm posting again...but hell. I'm still in love with claire danes too and.. um.. after the richies pay off yours...will you pay off mine? pleaseandthankyou

23/9/04 01:56  

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