10 September 2004

It Begins

Have you ever been surprised by how small your cock is? I have. It's embarrassing. Anyway, I was thinking that this whole ranking movie characters I want to be is stupid. No one cares. What is the goal? To somehow connect with some faceless people whom don't read this anyway on an intrinsic level? I don't know. Anyway. Fuck it. I'll do it. The thing is, is that with movie characters you have to relate to them. There has to be some aspect of them you can see in yourself that makes you identify with them. Now I know Hollywood has dumbed everything down to try to be all encompassing to everyone, but it doesn't matter. Whatever.

Yeah that's fucking right. Three movies, and a lot of people left dead. He fought terrorists when terrorism didn't happen in the States. He said cool shit. But you can feel him. He doesn't want to be there, but fuck it, he's there and he's not half-assing anything. He's also drunk a lot, which I can relate to. But it's like, he isn't trying to be a superhero he just becomes one, at least for a day...or three. He is just going to do what he has to in order to survive. I dig it. He is fighting like a lion when he would much rather be sitting back, drinking some beers listening to some blues and making love to his wife. But right now, he's got to get through this shit. I can relate to this shit. Also, he doesn't give a shit about glass.


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