One Inch Deep

I am sitting here and thinking of you. All of you. It is a remarkable thing I am doing, mostly because I rule. What am I talking about? I have no clue. I am as lost as you are half the time. But I still believe it's worth it. Even when you frequent my frequency and the drinks and drugs got you on a different frequency. I don't know where I am.
I think you should take my advice. Buy a bike. We are all going to need one.
In other news, the book of my life would be much better than the actual events happening in real time, like the Highlander. Only instead of cutting off heads, I put dimes in the curse jar.
I wish this pizza would get here.
Lord. I am really sucking at this game I am playing right now.
I was going to write all about how the hate that gets spewed out of my mouth is just love that gets caught in my head for too long. But fuck it. I'm tired.
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