Ships That Pass In The NIght

Yes. Indeed. That’s how I roll.
This month marks the one-year anniversary of my blogging world. In one year I have managed to attain seven readers. At this rate when my blog reaches 43 trillion years old, half the universe’s population will read. AWESOME!!! Seriously. I don’t even know why I bother.
Pabst is back in my life. God bless capitalism. I got the capital and you got the ism.
Have you ever been terrified about something? Like freaked the fuck out. But then someone plays some Miles Davis in your head. You do the shit you are afraid of and you nail it. You get up in its ass like a gerbil. You fuck it until it has no choice but to tell its mother about how the brutal violent degrading fuck it just received sent shockwaves up its spine in orgasms. Has this ever happened to you? It happened to me today.
Tomorrow I will entertain everyone with a picture of me. I am the ugliest human being to roam the Internet. Which places me high in the running for ugliest person of all time. So don't get your hopes up.
I have an Acura. I have a Razor cell phone. I have an entire wardrobe made by diesel, Kenneth Cole, Armani and Banana Republic, along with some Brooks Brothers shit. I have music that is awesome and unique. I am Catholic. I have tattoos. I still feel empty. To plagiarize my boys. It's only a matter of time, before we all go away to a better place, I'm told. It all sounds well and fine. But with out you around I feel nothing but cold.
a)I hope everything's ok.
b)Show us your tatts!
i'm glad you bother.
i look forward to you bothering on a daily basis.
I really like your stream of consciousness style...i feel ya. nobody reads my blog either.
make me number 8. one year thats a lot of shit.
Like your blog. Found it searching for like minded souls out there.
All blessings, Wireless
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