15 February 2006

Trade In Old Shoes For New Feet

Right. I love tobacco. I have well documented my love for Copenhagen. Well move the fuck over. I had a temporary lapse of sanity yesterday and I bought some Skoal Berry Blend, and I love it. It smells like crunch berries, which I think we all agree are the bomb, unless you disagree with me, in which case you are wrong. Then the taste, it tastes like I would imagine grape kool-aid would taste were it made by an Indian, dots not feathers. So it's got a kick and it's a little bit dirty, but altogether pleasing.
I usually just go with straight Copenhagen. It's a quality product. Once I put a couple drops of brandy in my can and I let it soak in there for a few days, it was the bomb. I also like this peach flavored dip I had a few times. It tastes like peaches.
Whenever I bite into a peach and I get the slightly sticky juices to coat my chin and around my lips and all, it’s always so pleasing to me because it reminds me of going down on a female. And I think we all can agree that's my only talent.
I have a four-day weekend coming up and I have big plans. I plan on chewing a lot of tobacco. I also plan on playing Shadow Hearts. It will be the best weekend ever. I love tobacco.
The best part of dipping is spitting. Now, I don't carry a bottle or anything so when I am indoors I generally have to swallow, but nothing makes me happier than being outside and letting loose a huge wad of black spit onto the ground. I've also spit on a few cats, a number of rats and I spit at a murder of crows. A group of crows is called a murder.
Another good part of dipping is how offensive it is. Smoking is outlawed everywhere these days, a law I find retarded but I won't complain now, but you can't outlaw me dipping. And nothing makes me happier than having a big fat dip in and talk to the girl at Starbucks and order my coffee and watch her cringe as I drink the coffee with dip in my mouth.
This post is great.
Why don't you give me money so I can open up a strip club/casino? I would imagine that would be a cash cow and I could retire in a few years.
Check it out. I might move to Ireland when my time in the Army is done. I will have enough money to buy a boat and all and live there. It will be nice. You ought to move there with me.
You know why I love her? She speaks like A Jimmy Buffet song. Every word she says seems so pure and natural and like you are hearing it for the first time, for the 1000th time, and you know all the words. She says nothing bookish, yet filled with so much wisdom you can ponder what she says for days. She has a way of making it seem that she only speaks to you this way. She fronts for everyone else and says simple things, but with you she speaks her heart, and her heart is beautiful. Her heart is made of angel breath and the amniotic fluid Jesus was surrounded by. It beats on time and in rhythm with the Heavens. It pumps pure love through her veins. She says these things to me and I will never say such majesty.


Blogger unkind said...

Do you remember when they were making Crunch Berries cereal that was all berries?

Those were high times, my friends.

15/2/06 20:04  
Blogger Blush said...

jimmy buffett...nice.

and i like the green

15/2/06 20:05  
Blogger Yossarian said...

those were the highest of times

15/2/06 21:52  
Blogger unkind said...

I can see into the future, and I will prove it: you will receive something in the mail in the next 5-7 days.

16/2/06 11:24  
Blogger xTx said...

i can see into the past, and i will prove it: you recieved something in the mail 5-7 days ago.

16/2/06 12:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would rather live with a lion and a dragon than live with an evil woman. A woman’s wickness changes her appearance and darkens her face like that of a bear

16/2/06 14:02  
Blogger unkind said...

I have reached a new low for geekdom: today I was working out and fully had "one winged angel" rocking on the ol' iPod.

How the mighty have fallen. Next stop: Comicon.

16/2/06 15:00  
Blogger Jaromir Blagr said...

Hmm. Is tobacco mighty?

16/2/06 19:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »

14/2/07 06:44  
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23/4/07 21:48  

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