12 February 2006

The USR Is The Bane Of My Existence

Right. I have an impacted wisdom tooth and it is starting to hurt like a bitch. Funny thing is, it never hurt until I found out I had one. Stupid dentist. I am about 70% that I will quit blogging soon. Oddly, this has nothing to do with my tooth, which is all I can think about at the moment, and more to do with my brain, which is rarely on my mind. There are things I want to say and yet I can't. So what's the point?
The Winter Olympics are here. Score. I hate 90% of the sports played in the Olympics. I don't understand them and I think they look retarded. I don't know anything about the scoring or the rules or why anyone would do some of this shit. Yet every 4 years when I hear that music, I can't take my eyes off it. I love it. That music is my dog whistle. You want to get me to pay attention? Well easy, play that music every time you try to talk to me. I will hear every word you have to say. Also, women athletes are fucking hot. I'm going to start frequenting slalom slopes. This will be funny considering I have no intention of skiing. I also have no intention of making it look like I am there for anything else except to meet a hot female skier and act like a 13 year old girl all red faced and giggly when I do. But the Winter Olympics, I will watch curling until my eyes fall out. The Winter Olympics is like a bug light and I keep ramming my head into the sum bitch.
I have no shame in admitting that, "Anchor Man" has improved the quality of my life.
Lime wire is possibly the greatest thing ever. I now have all the shitty music I would never have bought. I know a certain Law School graduate who will receive an abundance of CD's he will inevitably hate.
When I get to Germany, the first chance I get I am going to Greece. I said it. I am going to visit the ruins and ancient battle fields and I am going to buy a horse and I am going to ride the horse and then I will probably take a nap and then I will maybe hunt something and cook it and eat it and then I will feed my horse and lead him to water to drink and I will drink from the stream as well and then I will make a fire and we will sleep out under the stars and I will think of a name for my horse and it will probably be Conan and I will be very tempted to never return to anything and I will want to just live like that forever and not have to do anything except hunt for some food and feed my horse and I will desire to be so far off the grid that no one remembers me and I will just sort of be a bum only living in the wilderness and then I will remember my mom and how if I did this she would be fucked with my student loans and then I will get back on my horse and ride back and sell Conan and take the train to Germany to go back to work so my mom doesn't go poor on account of her no good son who wanders around a country on a horse and doesn't even speak the fucking language and who also has no desire to finish this sentence but he will eventually and that eventuality is apparently now.
That's not about being gay...it's about the actual country.


Blogger unkind said...

Well, be honest. It's a little bit about being gay...

13/2/06 07:45  
Blogger GUYK said...

I have not seen a sentence that long since Faulkner which I could not read either--

13/2/06 09:00  
Blogger Blush said...

haha faulkner. for real.

13/2/06 11:41  
Blogger unkind said...

Speaking of Faulkner, what is the USR?

13/2/06 15:40  
Blogger Yossarian said...

some bullshit army stuff which makes me work 20 hour day for a week and a half every month. its all paperwork and math and i hate it and want to burn it alive

13/2/06 16:57  
Blogger xTx said...

i will be sad if you stopped blogging please dont.

13/2/06 17:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


13/2/06 18:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was surfing the net loking for some saint of skiers and I came upon your site and I was impressed by the quality of content you have. Keep up the awesome job. I will be bookmarking you right now.

7/9/06 22:09  

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