09 March 2006

Little Baby Ducks

Dear Yossarian,

I am trying to organize a protest against aspects of the current Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I want to protest against the wanton killing of innocent and civilian men, women, and children. I also want to incorporate the treatment of detainees and hostages. I would like any information you can give me to help my protest.


Dear Lady,

If I were to take a multiple choice test and one of the questions was: Who has more Academy Awards than Martin Scorsese? A. Burt Reynolds B. 3-6 Mafia C. The Person Who Sent This Question D. None of the above. I would be torn. Sadly, the answer is B. However, if I had my druthers the answer would be A. I would get this question wrong because I would answer with C, because you are amazing at acting like a little bitch.
Do I sit down in your office and tell you how to fill my cavity? Have I waltzed into your CPA meeting and explained how to do my taxes? The answer to both of those questions is no. Maybe you work in a place where the customer tells you how he/she wants it. I am thinking Burger King.
But it's right there on the sign at Burger King. "Have it your way." Nowhere have I ever read, "The Army will fight and win the Nations wars in accordance with the views of some bitch." Except for just now, but that is only because I wrote it.
But let's get down to the issue. Specifically, the "wanton killing of innocents...and treatment of hostages." We could get into the whole, "who is really innocent" thing, but I don't want to. I am a scout. This means that before anyone knows where the enemy is, I do. I find them and if I am capable, I kill them. I search for the enemy. I go through an offensive amount of training on how not to wax the innocent. I know my job. I will do my job very soon. I look forward to doing my job.
You seem to have issues with the war. I dig it the most. You have every right to hate it. You have every right to protest it. You have every right to do whatever you want. I don't give a shit. I have friends, unkind friends, against my job. I respect it. I know he can separate the "sin" from the "sinner." I know that he knows that at the end of the day, I'm still Yoss and if needed, I'd be home in a few hours. Right now I do what I do. And what I do is like everything else, temporary.
You seem to think that I am inherently evil. I am okay with that. You think what you want. You want to protest aspects of the war. Moron. Protest the war. That's what you ought to have the issue with, and I would not agree with you, but I would not stand in your way. Would you have protested the treatment of slaves or the actual law allowing slavery?
You will think what you want and I can't change that. I am happy you have an opinion. But I disagree with you and nothing out there says I must agree with you. I only ask that you know that all units serving in theater undergo extensive training to discern the enemy from civilian. We, even I, undergo extensive training on how to treat detainees. We do not take hostages. Some people fail. We are human. Think about how many people at your job spit on my burger.

Thank you for your email lady,



Blogger xTx said...


10/3/06 07:25  
Blogger meredith said...

I am so appalled and offended by Tom's utterly blatant ignorance that I cannot even begin to describe my disgust here in one blog comment. Appalled is such a pansy-ass word that cannot even begin to describe my utter humiliation at being called an American when people like Tom can also be associated with the word "American" though only, I am assuming, because he was LUCKY enough to be born here.

Tom? Where were you on September 11th? When the WANTON murders of 2,000 of your fellow citizens, INNOCENT civilians WITHOUT GUNS, happened WITHOUT PROVOCATION?
You probably think that America somehow "deserved" the attack. Or that it "could have been prevented" and therefore it seems like it's almost our fault. People like you have justified what they did to us and now think our "retaliation" is somehow unjust, unfair and just plain cruel. And you think September 11th (and whatever future attacks we may or may not endure) were brought on because we somehow step on the rest of the world's toes with our "non 3rd world country" existence and our horrid terrible religious freedom which is mostly Christian (the bane of their existence).
Do I need to remind you that that the prosperity of this country was not brought by raping the middle east but rather by the blood, sweat and tears of YOUR GRANDFATHERS, God rest their souls?
Are you really clear on what is going on "over there"? Our soldiers are not running amuck shooting women and children at a moments notice. Believe it or not most of those men are like the rest of us (only with bigger balls than Tom) and no more want to kill the women and children and truley innocent civilains any more than you or I (or them) want to hit a dog as it crosses the road. I cannot say the soldiers are walking around with kids up on their shoulders, smiling and helping old ladies with their bags across the street but I can tell you that these innocent civlians are being killed by gunfire and bombs by the same dumb fucks who live in their country. Not to mention what these same fucks do to OUR soldiers who you are so quick to blame for killing innocent civilians. Watch "Off To War". I command you. I think it's on the Discovery channel.

And the last time we tried to "stay out" of a war that didn't "involve" us, Hitler tried to take over Europe...and Africa...and God knows where else before YOUR grandfather hauled his ass over there and did something about it. And if yours didn't then mine did it for you. You're welcome. And he did it so you could live in a world without a dictator, a TERRORIST, breathing down your well fed American back.

Oh I could go on but I figure Tom is either too young to understand why I get choked up when I hear the national anthem or he's from California. So I won't waste my "breath". And after all, being American has given him the right to have a protest and not get shot...or jailed.

10/3/06 16:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can dance if i want to.

12/3/06 10:31  
Blogger meredith said...

I just opened this to see if I started any fights and the safety dance is actually playing on my stereo right now. in case that's what you were referring to....

12/3/06 13:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no i just danced last night at a indian wedding in houston. i could do it again if i see fit.

i was not center stage, nor was i on the mic

12/3/06 16:35  
Blogger meredith said...

yes I thought about it later and discovered "you can dance if you want to" are the correct lyrics. How could I be so wrong.

13/3/06 04:44  
Blogger unkind said...

I'm hoping you were kidding, meredith. Because that comment, if serious, displayed everything that is wrong with this counrty and its underinformed yet overopinionated citizenry.

If you were serious, get ready for refutation.

Sorry, folks. I'd love to joke about this one, but Tom's on target.

14/3/06 17:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » »

26/4/07 07:29  

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