12 June 2006

Slowly, Deeply and Cleanly

Right. I hate Windows. Buy a Mac and enlighten yourself. I now have a PC as it seems my once broken and then fixed Mac caught itself on fire. I think I might loose my security deposit. I also caught my dryer on fire. Who knew anything about a lint-trap?
What have I missed? Nothing. That's what. Your lives are puny and worthless and mine is mighty and expensive.
I need Itunes here people.
I'm back and I will probably be around. I don't know though. I'm not interested in blogging anymore I don't think. Or maybe I think. I'm not really sure. But at the moment, I'm thirsty.
I am no longer dating a teenager. Which sucks. Because I enjoyed fucking her. She was 18 so everything was on the up and up. If you catch my drift.
For the intensive purpose of the intents and purposes, something left on an airplane 13 minutes ago and with it went a piece of me. I gave this piece of myself, but it was an unexpected loss nonetheless, as I didn't expect it to actually be taken. To be quite Frank and frankly to be quiet and reduce the noise in the cerebellum the bow is took and the roses were thrown and the encore didn't have Moon River, just a shitty hybrid of Dancing Queen and Paradise By The Dashboard Light. You enjoyed a nice second-hand high but a first-hand witnessing of fleeting poetry mixed in with wasted talent and very little genius but plenty of salt and butter. You won't be able to explain why you liked the band to your friends, because they know it's crap, but you still listened and wished they'd be the next big thing so you could denounce what you once loved and say you saw them when. An Airplane left four minutes ago and took my soul. I'd ask for it back, but I would be losing it soon regardless. It's not such a bad deal, I get to keep my hair this way and my hearing and my favorite sweater will always fit like it did in the store. If my eyes were any clearer they wouldn't be opaque. If my life was any cooler it would have beer and hotdogs inside it, oh wait, it does.
I forgot what follows, but I am left with the knowledge that Shakira sings Underneath Your Clothes for me, and she means it. Because she, unlike certain pop-singers, loves me.


Blogger xTx said...

i am afraid to enjoy you again.

13/6/06 07:15  
Blogger Blush said...


i will miss hot dogs the most.

13/6/06 18:10  

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