23 October 2004


Right. I cannot get enough of this song. What song? I don't know. It is some song that sounds like Elton John, but it isn't Elton John. The song implies something about taking someone's mother out all night and showing said mother what it's all about. It pretty much makes me nut, which is embarrassing on account of the only place I have ever heard it is in my car.
I want to speak to my girl out there. X, part of me wishes I could. But I have to. I have to in the sense that I didn't make this decision entirely on my own. I wasn't coerced into it either. More, it was a decision made from the Devine. If you are so inclined to believe in the hands of the Gods in our temporary destinies.
Today is the birthday of my second nephew. I'd say happy birthday but he doesn't read this nor does he like me. So slag off you fucking prat. How you like me now? The kid used to be fun. A little small kid who wanted nothing more than to watch Ferngully with his uncle. Now he is 18 and a big douche that wants to run his mouth. For some reason I am always the subject of his ire and verbal aggression. My niece too, she takes great pleasure berating me about the head and neck with invective and snide comments. But I dig it. I suppose I can't walk on water in their eyes forever. I'm sure there is some quote I can use to some it all up from some classic I read during my education, but I forgot most of them. I didn't really forget - I just hate the looks I get when I do quote shit.
Did I ever tell you that while I was in school I saw Ben and J-Lo when they were the subject of all news in America? I'm pretty sure it was them. It may have been a whore and her douche bag. One can never tell.
In other news the World Series of Baseball starts tonight. So I will be home watching it. So if you are a loser like me and ain't got shit to do, then IM me. We can have a nice conversation about whatever you wish. As long as it has nothing to do with why those fucking bastards aren't playing hockey.


Blogger xTx said...

i thought that song was elton too, but then i found out it wasn't.

24/10/04 17:15  
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