11 October 2004


Right. So how are things? I'm good. I am still undefeated in my fantasy football team. I have been taking care of business. The Cardinals won. But the main thing that makes me feel happy is that it looks like Ben Roethlisberger is already a stud. I was as happy as a box of wigs when the Steelers drafted hem. But I am even happier now. He's good.
One thing is bothering me though. Christopher Reeve is dead. I feel bad because my favorite joke of all time involves him. What's black and sits at the top of the stairs after a fire? Christopher Reeve. See. That's funny. But now I feel bad that I ever told it, or ever laughed at it. But I am sure that wherever he is he has his legs and is so happy that he is even laughing at the joke. That's the thing. All of this shit is immaterial in the big picture. I really think we have lost that as a society. If I tell that joke about him because he is crippled, does that mean that I hate cripples? Does it mean that I think cripples to be inferior? No. It means that I know him being in a wheelchair is a temporary trip. He'll be cool. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I have too much faith. Maybe I am too macabre. Maybe I laugh at myself too much. Maybe I should care about more shit. Maybe I should go make a sandwich.