04 November 2004

Change Arrangements On Your Face

Right. People fucking baffle me. I swear to god. I don't get it. People are elated and gloating or pissed and sulking. The coffee I am drinking would taste just the same had Kerry won. I would still be going to Iraq and Afghanistan had Kerry won. I would still be nervous about the training had Kerry won. I still hate my car, hair and lack of furniture and Bush won.
I guess I should break it down. I feel I ought. I will loose readership, but to be fair, it isn't all that high to begin with. I just see things like this. This is no new shit. Nothing here is new. America is the sole super power, thus we police the world. Not new. The Hittites did it and 172 super powers later, we must. For better or worse we do it. Does anyone really look forward to it, or enjoy it? I doubt it. Have we been perfect? Clearly no. Have we done any good? I believe so. I believe we have done a lot of good. So I am sitting in an ethics class two days after September 11th. I had just got news that I was going to grad school and decided to join the service when it ended. A lot of shit went down. Some I agreed with, some I didn't. But I was still going to join. Why? I see it like this: I believe that if we can help people in the long run then I have an obligation to fight or die for that possibility. The little Iraqi girl right now crying and worried about the bombs will grow to live in a country free of bombs, American troops and a dictatorship. The Afghan kids will grow up not knowing what the Taliban was. They won't know what their parents went through. Now of course shit could all go to hell and blow the fuck up and be a disaster. But we won't know if nothing is done. I am willing to die for this effort. That's essentially it. I don't want to get into the whole debate over it because there are 4,000,000,000,000 hairs to be split over each side of the coin, and subtle minds will do that regardless. But like, it can't be civil. Someone always ends up pissed and tempers flare because no one listens to the other. It's depressing. So I will end it with that.
So yeah I know this is the second time I posted a picture of Icarus. But he is my favorite, aside from Achilles. I mean dude had it going on. To quote my favorite line from Chappelle's Show, "Nigga can fly man. He believes in himself." He fell though. He came too close to the sun and died. He didn't stay humble. Pride kills us all. But so do bathtubs, cancer, bleeding, car accidents, falling pianos and elephants. Old age doesn't kill us though. Old age causes cells to deteriorate leaving us susceptible to disease. Our sustentacular cells are particularly prone to this. Thus we die from complications of cell deterioration brought on by old age, but not old age.


Blogger Yossarian said...

Thank you X. I appreciate it.

4/11/04 11:40  
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