Great Odin's Raven

I park my car on a street and enter a bar. Nothing new. I do this from time to time. I exit the bar around closing time and walk to my car. I enter my car and something is different. I can't use my driver’s side mirror. Hmmm? This is interesting. I think to myself, "It's probably because my tint is so dark and maybe a street light is out or something." I roll my window down. No mirror. Gone.
I open my car door and take a look around. It appears someone thought it acceptable to scrape the side of my car removing most of my paint and my mirror. I devise a plan.
I think of myself as an admirable man. I look for challenges and overcome them. I now have a new challenge. I now must hit the streets Punisher style and find this dickless fuck and ruin his life. Punisher style. My plan is as follows. I hit the streets with an alias of Casey McDustrell. But my friends call me Lurch. I enter certain circles of scum and cretins. I befriend them and earn a rep. You know, street cred. I find the shit ass that hit my car. I knock him out and drag his ass into his car. I drive to an abandoned hospital I know of and duct tape him to the floor. For good measure I cut his fingers off with a rusty steak knife. I close his wounds by burning them closed with homemade napalm. Equal parts of gasoline and Styrofoam. I leave for a bit and secure some medical equipment. I return and hook him up to machines, which will keep him alive. It is now when I begin to display what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass.
I will remove his eyelids with tweezers and cigarettes. I remove the tape from his mouth on account of my desire to hear his screams. I will then show him before and after photographs of my car, and explain that while I was standing in a swamp ten feet from an alligator the only thing that kept me from quitting was the thought of buying this car. I will then leave again and find his mother, or children if he has any. I will then proceed to skin them alive in front of him. I will leave him alive with the blood of his family seeping into his wounds for a couple of days. I will then cut a seven-inch incision into his stomach. I will insert a weed-whacker into this opening and turn it on, shredding his insides and watch him die.
I doubt anyone would find me guilty, as this clearly isn't premeditated.
it wasn't me. seriously.
Well, OK. But if I hear of anyone dying in this manner I'm gonna have to ask you some questions...
Stick with this plan. If you think about what happened you will just get pissed off then you will want to seriously torture the guy when you catch him.
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