03 January 2007

Trees Are Dying

Right. You and me at an undisclosed location can make it happen. But then again, we can make this shit work any time, any where. That's just how we would roll. Were "we" ever defined as such and had probable cause to roll.
To make mom happy, and score with mad bitches, I am going to put shit on a myspace page. Lame I know. But I have a ton of pictures from Rome and Prague and sitting around the house that they have to go somewhere. So if you know my real name, and I'm not entirely sure that Yossarian isn't my real name, then look me up in a day or so and pictures of me will percolate your atmosphere.
It's not that I don't like the Army, because I do, it's that I need to have a normal style in my life that leads to drunkenness and bitches. Neither of those are afforded to me at this time.
I'm going to put the screws to your ass here soon.
Thank you for bringing the Old 97's into my life. I should have thanked you sooner. But not a day goes by that I am not appreciative.
I'm not bragging, but as it turns out I am Time's Man of the Year. Are you jealous? Because you should be. I think the real man of the year is who ever sold, "Hey. Remember that movie the Big Lebowski? Well, let's put a mirror on our cover so everyone can be man of the year," to his boss.
I can do anything you can do.
Stop giving me shit. I know I am breaking the fucking rules. I got it. I don't give a fuck. I didn't care yesterday, I'm not going to give a frog's fat ass tomorrow and I sure as shit don't fucking care today. Are you picking up what I’m putting down? Are you tracking? Are you smelling what I'm cooking? Are you feeling me? So shut the fuck up about it. I don't work for you and even if I did it wouldn't stop me from knowing you are a complete git. Sod off.
What in the bleeding hell are we doing now?
If I go there, I won't be back.
I think the most genius work of all time, in any medium, has to be Teen Wolf Too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

another teen wolf would be difficult to make. michael j fox would be tremoring around like a starving stray dog. a long cry from slam dunks and whooping fools asses like a vigorous teenage wolf. and now the real question. did mjf get his parkinsonism from genetic causes....or was it narcotic induced?
other things....
i need to work out.
i need to gain wt cause i lost more than five lbs when i caught the plaque last week.
i need to read more
i need to not wake up at 3 am, but sleep in the afternoon.
i need to get unkind a bday gift and his ass is impossible to shop for...a comb? fuck
i need to stop looking at women and placing them in a lusty positionings as women don't want to fuck every guy they meet.
you know what shit i cant tolerate. women that break the away from datings rules and then act like you did something wrong when they open their mouths. this is the bullshit. what a fucking travesty. what a blatant disregard for what is fair and true.

3/1/07 15:29  
Blogger xTx said...


3/1/07 18:21  
Blogger unkind said...

Dios mio, man.

I'm going to assume that your reference to the Old 97s was purest irony. That stuff is some old boolshit.

6/1/07 15:41  

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