Soul Sandwhich

I am thinking of trading my car in for that Ford Super Duty truck. It's bad ass.
I wonder what would happen if I said fuck it and took all my money out of the bank, cut myself and bleed all over my apartment. Walked out the gate. Had my friend K-Luv pick me up and we start anew in another country. I'd like to go somewhere where the weather is cold. Maybe Greenland. I'll bet it would be pretty sweet. The Army would probably assume that I was killed and or kidnapped. They would pay my life insurance to my mom. Then K-Luv and I could move to Greenland and find jobs as bartenders or janitors or teachers or something. We'd then make friends with some nice people down the road and they would cook us meals on American holidays, to make us feel welcome and all. We'd meet these two college students and probably fuck them until their mothers orgasmed all over the pears they were cleaning after a nice trip to the market. We would save our money because there isn't much to do in Greenland. Marry these girls and send them to work while we tended to the house and all. But really we just sort of sit around drinking Gin and Tonics all day and watch TV. These girls are hard workers too and they climb the corporate ladder quickly. We then divorce them and take half the dough. We would then probably move to South America and open up a bar on the beach and bone Brazilian women all the time. But that would eventually piss off one of their boyfriends. His name would be Juan or something stereotypical of a Mexican. Even though he isn't Mexican. But he is down with the mob in Brazil. We'd get shot up gangland style one night and no one would ever know we were actually dead, because we had faked our deaths earlier. So no one would ever go to our funerals. Bitches.
I like short weeks. They make me happy.
I want to be naked. I want to just hang out naked all day long with a woman. I want her to demand action. I want to light it up like a hooker in a crack house. But I'd settle for some fried chicken.
Action motherfucker! I demand action!
(sorry you had a bad day)
sounds like a plan stan
the only hole in your storyline is that by the time you get to Rio you will be old and gray and you cant forget about boneing the girl from ipanema cuz even viagra wont help. So skip greenland and just go to the top of the rio casino in vegas and have a drink. Cheers!
i like bill's thinkin'...
Fried chicken does sound kinda good...
That line "I'd settle for some fried chicken" is a metaphor for my wasted life.
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