They Are Only Machines

To better review what a splendid year this has been for me, I have put together the following. The last paragraph from all my shit this year. Or at least the ones I like. Read it and diddle your fiddle later, or whilst. Six years left!!!! Fuck the Mayan calendar.
Let me inspire you. Let me tell you that you're special. Allow me to inform you that the wisdom of the ages could not have described your beauty. If I can impart upon you that the poets of old could never have imagined your importance to me and to the world. The world is a better place because you are in it, and I am a better person because I am in your aura. You are destined for great things and I am blessed that I live during your time.
You deserve more.
I'm going to go look up more porn.
It's early evening. The mothers and fathers are playing with their kids across the street. Life is good. Seesaw goes up and down and the swings go back and forth while the merry go round is out of service due to a bad bearing. Such is life. Sooner or later we have no desire to hang out with the folks. It must sadden them, though they never let on. How depressing it must be to once have been the recipient of such gratefulness for something as small as a new toy, now you barely receive thanks for a loan cosigning or a new kidney. At one time you are the center of their world, now a bit part left on the editing room floor. Everything you say or do is wrong, whereas once it was never questioned. They are turning that playground into a gas station.
I love you. I mean I really love you. The thought of you not being around forever is unbearable. The day I lose you I will destroy Mount Everest. You are too good for this. Everything in the universe is mediocre in comparison to you. The infiniteness of space is a drop in the bucket to how you make me feel when you look at me. God is powerless over you. You move, think, feel and act in such a way that no deity can help but watch you in awe from the afterworld. I think about you every second of my life, even when you are three feet from me. I bathe in your soul, which flows out around you like a warm amniotic fluid protecting you from humanity. You make everyone around you better and even if they never realize it, the power to start or stop the world, as we know it, lies solely within you.
The army loves routine. Schedules run this institution. We thrive by them. We don't know what to do without one. We plan out the next six months and do our damnedest not to break the schedule. For instance, my day is, wake up and go to PT. I then come back and shower and eat breakfast. Then I go to class. Then we get lunch and then it's back to class. We end our day and I go to the gym and come home and drink till I fall asleep. Our lunch goes from noon till one everyday. I hall ass to my car, barely make the first light, drive six blocks so that everyday at 12:06 I see her. This is the best part of my day. She runs. Where from, I couldn't tell you and I wouldn't know where she runs to. But I know she will run in front of my car as she crosses the street, which borders the left field line of the little league diamond. I stare. I sit at the light and watch her run. I inhale her as she runs past, never noticing anything but her next step. She chooses the worst clothes to run in. She sometimes runs in those black polyester pants girls wear to clubs. Sometimes she runs in a sweater and shorts. Her hair is always wild and free. Flowing around like the mane of a horse galloping in the open fields of Montana. Her hair is darker than my car. She is probably some Major's wife. He probably cheats on her. I hope her name is Ivetta. I hope she runs forever.
I took a trip last night and seen it all. I saw the ground crumble from the blood of Jesus. I saw the Argonauts do their thing. I watched as Achilles drug the Body of Hector for three days around the walls of Troy. I tried to warn Caesar. I followed where Mosses led. I watched as Henry got married. I conspired with Oswald to kill JFK. I hid when Cronos ate his children. I hung out with two men named Ajax. I liked Ajax the Lesser more. I ate the Apples of the Hesperides. I got caught shucking and jiving with an Amazon. I saw the Golden Fleece. I told Walt he should think about mice. I fucked Cleopatra pretty hard. I borrowed Shakespeare’s pen. I gave the Druids an engineering textbook so they could build Stonehenge. Rimbaud gave me the flu. I drank with Salinger. I did all that and more. All in one night.
Anyway I would like to comment on your smile. I hate it. It makes me sick to my stomach. My gullet cries out in pain to be tortured every time I see it. It hurts to know that a smile so wonderful and completely beautiful can be subject to the sullies of such wretchedness as human beings. We are wretched, and your smile is so perfect it ought never have to suffer through the indignities others impose upon it. The emotions I feel when I look at it are too strong for me to comprehend. I know that as mortal beings your smile will soon enough fade as we grow older and will one day cease to exist, thus I hate your fucking smile. But I believe that the real reason I despise your smile is that it reminds me of my own limitations. I will never be as beautiful. I will remember it for as long as I can, but will eventually forget it. I do not have the ability to describe it to the extent it deserves. I will fail in making part of you immortal.
I built this house with my own hands. I built this staircase with wood, nails and a hammer. I was buck-naked. I wore sawdust to hide my shame. I'd like to spend some time with you, pulling splinters from my toes with your teeth. I left that stair loose so it will creak and let me know what time you come home. You strumpet.
I wish it would open up and rain. Rain like it’s never rained before. Flood this fucking world and make Noah look like a fly fisherman. But the truth of the matter is, all the rain, Evian or sparkling spring waters that ever flowed could never wash this place clean. It will never glow as new.
Right. She sings to me at night like a drug dealer skulking in the shadows. I beg her as her voice fades to never stop singing. But she laughs at my request with disdain. I don't matter to her. I wouldn't have it any other way. It's beautiful now. Peaceful.
I am tired. So you get nothing. Nothing to make you go, "Awww." Nope. Nothing like that. Today you get shit and you'll have to feast on it until I get back and write something to make you think of me while you fuck his brains out. Or to think of Steve McQueen while she rides your jalopy until the tires go flat. Or think of me while you fuck her mouth and wish it were her friend and she wishes you were an ice cream sandwich. Or think of him saying my words while he fucks your sister. Or even possibly thinking of me while you pleasure yourself and I live in the woods dreaming of beer.
Did it ever occur to you that I might just be spending time, as of late, fighting crime on a level so secret that space aliens don't even know about it? I fight intradiminsional crime here people. Accept it. These are things that we cannot discuss nor contemplate. But we can hypothesize, unless you already know, which you don't.
I just saw her again. We had coffee together. I sat at a table alone and across the room she sat there. She was reading some book I would probably hate. I was trying to teach myself magic. Not the gathering, but like slight of hand type shit. No one seemed amused at my folly, as I suck at slight of hand. Why is she even here? I sat there and drank my coffee. It was black with no sugar. I drank about seven cups. She milked one new fangled monstrosity latte thing for close to two hours. She just read. She knew everyone looked. She seemed bothered by it. How? How can someone be annoyed that another will take interest based solely on aesthetic value? With most people you have to get to know them before they become attractive. Unless you're like me, and your soul is black. Then you just sort of watch her drink her coffee and wish you were the binding of her book that she holds firmly and securely. She know how to hold the spine of a book, she's done it before. Her hand needs a book. It feels empty without one. It is in the nature of her hands. The nature of my hands is not making things disappear.
There's more, but read for yourself. I am tired of cutting and pasting. So bugger off.
I'm assuming I was doing the bitching you're referring to. Ah, well. I suppose you think you had a good year, even though you were bitching and puling about it all the while.
Anyway, hope you washed your hands after the Rumsfeld handshake. Thoroughly. Like, Crying-Game thoroughly.
this will be fresh and clear like rebecca gayheart and a tube of noxema
vandross baby...luther vandross is simple
1. i like making things in the oven then promptly forgetting about them
i am adhd. everyone knows this.
2. i like sampling music in ridiculously short excerpts then deciding whether i like the artist
i am adhd. everyone know this.
3. i like that in my mind toby macquire could never kick my ass no matter how "big" he gets for any spiderman movie. sidenote i also like the fact that i dont like kirsten dunst or her name
kirsten dunst thinks she looks good. i disagree. i want to call her a dumpsky.
4. i like to wind up a slapshot inside my house and act like the ceiling is hampering my shot, even though my slapshot sux
i suck at hockey, but i can skate around real fast. i sometimes ignore the puck. it is possibly because of adhd. everybody knows this.
5. i like making resolutions then breaking them the same day
yeah, it's called new years. everyone knows this too
6. i like avoiding red meat at home and indulging at a fine restaurant
i used to eat steak at home. now i dont. because my gas oven never seems to cook it enough. also, i thaw it and sometimes forget about it. adhd. everybody.
7. i like to talk to a woman whose voice is simultaneously cute, calming, and sultry. me, myself, emotionally, physically, and economically in the ground for her. shit.
i am addicted to this girl that is far away from me, and i want her near me. i am retarded and likely setting myself up for a let down. this has no relation to my adhd. by the way i am not medicated. prepare to be restructured.
8. i like drinking jack and cokes with more coke than jack.
too much liquor gives me whiskey shivers now. i still can drink yossarian and unkind under the table. (if there were two to three beers under the table and like eight to ten on top of it where they were drinking), you puss n bootz
9. i like when my good friends yossarian and unkind are together and talk about shit that doesnt matter
this is all the time. this synchs well with my personality
10. i like running with a 5:2 deer to squirrel ratio.
when i run i want to see more deer than squirrels. squirrels are forest rats and if i could i would gather them and throw them in one bedroom apartments. it wouldnt be as funny if you put them in someone's house with many bedrooms and they ended up in the study or something. reference unkind
11. i recently realized that i like breakout and need to demonstrate my style at regular intervals
i am a professional when it comes to video games and essentially no one can beat me when playing one player games. i've cleared the board at breakout in one sitting. then another time i didnt clear the first level, but got 249 points and i was still winning. this does not only apply to old atari games. i won ninja gaiden in five minutes. jumping around and using all the buttons whenever i deemed fit. invincible.
12. i like that other people are using yossarians blog for tumults and wars and battles as it was designed
that was some serious relationship drama in your blog. apparently the drama was indeed saved for someone's momma.
yossarian, you never answered me. answer me thoroughly. i dont want to hear about the crying game though. still never seen that movie but i get the point. it was a dude, right?
next topic for discussion. very serious. talking to beautiful woman about actors/actresses that we liked. and the first words out of her mouth was the four letter word. DEPP. this is a very serious matter. i think it needs to be addressed in public forum, or in my case, hidden within someone elses public forum and really get to the bottom of this dark current. this would not be a good time to mention that pirates of the carribean 2 looks pretty damn good. regardless, there is need for clarification of why every woman in the world loves this man. the scientific implications of elucidating the true reason for this phenomenon are fantastic.
DEPP. He looks intense is why. Like if he kissed you all the air would leave your body and you would fall dead. But he just looks this way. It doesn't mean he is this way. He looks as if his heart is tumultuous. But in real life he's probably a high manitenance pain in the ass. But still the dream lives on.
I have met one person in my life who made me dizzy when he kissed me. I did not marry that man. He was too high maintenance. I think most people have known one person who took their breath away. and DEPP reminds us of this person. Unless you're a guy. and then that's just as weird as having a fettish for pissing in bottles when your drunk and knowing that someone will either consume your piss or rub it in like lotion.
depp blows
the gold ring, yes. in both eyes i have a gold ring in the color of my eye, and i am starting to get a gold ring in the whites of my eyes. what is this? smart i gonna die?
i love you dude. i think i ought quit this blog and leave it to you because you are funny shit.
anonymous -meredith-, number one dont post under anonymous when you put your name at the end
number two, i fail to see the air leaving your body and falling dead as good. this is what nearly happens when i run too hard and just end up coughing with a tinge of blood.
the intense comment is seemingly the point you are attempting to forward. my twisting of your words is someone that is intellectual and passionate to the point of taking your breath away while you embrace. i inadvertently coupled intelligent to intense and substituted passion for tumultuous. however these words are very different. i figured that you did not mean intense like mentally handicapped patients watch wallpaper or clock dials. your definition of intense seems to connote a sense of knowledge combined with inner conflict-this tumultous heart. is it an inner conflict? would this depp lack decisiveness? it is apparent from previous postings that lack of decisiveness is not a quality that you exactly find laudable. it would make sense to me that this tumultuous heart or intensity would not be compatible with these breath taking kisses. is mr depp agonizing over oil covered seagulls when kissing you? please clarify this. a perceived passion would be a more likely explanation.
i dont think that pissing in bottles was fettish oriented for bright eyed yossarian. it was spite. who rubs beer in like lotion?
in is common knowledge that most women do not particularly favor intellegent men, rather mediocre men. i think margaret mead stated it well:"Women want mediocre men, and men are working hard to become as mediocre as possible." this is another topic for another day. back to figuring out this ordeal.
the more comments the better. this needs to be answered. have anyone post that has something reasonable to add.
i also look forward to unkind's theory of depp and why even the bright and beautiful (New mexico and Domi) seem to fall prey. perhaps the attraction is seated in something more earthy and tangible, like thin form, rich, respected, "artistic", and a public face.
is the ring on the inside or the outside of the colored part of your eye? are your eyes equally effected. the more serious reasons are essentially fatal before age 30 untreated. you should be fine. if you are still worried. take a picture of them and send it to me.
i came here to comment about the subject line, and then about the last paragraphs, but then I got to the comments and all hell broke loose and the recollection of what I was gonna say imploded.
DEPP is just what meredith said. I'd give him a rusty trombone any day of the week. Even if a rusty trombone had nothing to do with my vagina and everything to do with penis and buttholes.
I shall write some shit about Depp post haste. Just let me cogitate on that shit. Although, I probably can't comment on NM woman, the one with mind control over cocaine like his name was Debo, but solely on Domi. Let it also be said that I would like to do far more than comment on her... Like blow a cavalcade of multitudinous nuts all over her blessed visage. Anoint her with my seed.
Now THERE'S somebody I should steal from her husband... I guess that's why I've been priming my skills all these years. Time for the main event. Now I just have to find her.
Y -- your blog is the font of inspiration. I tend to think of things to write about when I'm here. But, left to my own devices, I am a barren wasteland of forced prose.
Okay, I looked up a Rusty Trombone and most certainly would perform this act on Johnny Depp.
I take it you think you are more intelligent than most people around you. This I get from your post. No, women do not like men who think they are so intelligent that everyone else should be in awe. I also get, from your post, that you have had trouble finding a woman. And you blame this on your being so intelligent. There is alot to be said for MODESTY. Maybe you are smarter than I am. Maybe you are smarter than most people.
But this percieved "intelligence" that you have is most likely driving people away from you. And you think, being so smart should make people fascinated by you.
Jesus could work miracles. But he was modest about it. I doubt someone with superior intelligence like yourself has much faith, so that point is lost on you.
I pity you that you have never been with someone who's kiss took your breath away. You are probably to self absorbed to feel passion such as that.
I did not say Depp WAS intense. I merely said he looked the part. and by intense I mean that he thinks about things more deeply than others. He appreciates beauty in a way that others take for granted. that is what I mean by intense.
By tumultuous I mean that he has inner conflict. but not the sort that would leave his wife and four children because he is "unhappy".
And finally, by posting my blog under meredith, I feel more confident to espouse my views. It's as simple as that. My real name would not make any difference to you would it?
Yossarian, if you wear contacts the yellow on the white is probably a callous. Or go ahead and send cocaine the picture since he seems to know everything.
Actually, didn't Depp leave his pregnant wife? Or was that Jude Law?
Hey there, Mere. Looks like you kind of missed the man's point. He wasn't really going after you, just pointing out that posting anonymously then signing your name was a little...silly?
Moreover, I suppose we can all hope to find passion like yours that is so intense that we feel forced away from the person who inspired it? Brilliant.
Yeah, Jesus was the son of God. I'm guessing virtue wasn't too hard for him. And am I to take it from your comment that people of faith are incapable of having superior intelligence? Yossarian might take issue with that contention.
Calm down and take your meds. At least address the point he was making if you don't understand the tongue-in-cheek manner he was making it.
i dont wear contacts...i have superb vision. i can see everything. for instance i will now see some porno.
i have superb vision also...i see that you are watching MILF porn. Close your blinds next time.
Speaking of which, I got sushi tonight and was sitting next to a table full of MILFs. The sweet, sexy agony was almost more than I could bear. Then I had some sea urchin, or as I like to call it, "neptune's batch", because it tastes like the mighty lord of oceans dropped some baby batter in my mouth. That pretty much cooled the fire in my loins.
xtx, that about cracked me up that you looked it up and then with vigor affirmed the act on mr. depp. unkind saved me the trouble of searching by posting the details of the rusty trombone on his blog.
meredith, needless jabs aside, your reasons are johnny depp's inner conflict and his appreciation of beauty. or more accurately, that depp would potentially possess these qualities by virtue of physiognomy. okay. feel free to clarify further if this is incorrect.
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