I Was Taught

There are things in this world that make me smile. Things like an unexpected email from an old friend. Things like fall coming early. Things like beers with friends. Things like an unassisted double play. Things like finding a sentence in a used book someone underlined because it meant something to them. Things like a 40 year old with a tit job forcing a 28 year old man to fuck her hard. Sadly, I haven't experienced all of these things.
Someone should kill me.
I don't care what you say, you love my blog and want to read more of it daily.
Am I the only one who misses giving advice to the masses?
When I was a boy, I had this friend Derrick who had this anorexic and really hot older sister, who once caught me jerking off and watched me for a few seconds before screaming at me. I tried finding her on myspace, but she must not have an account. She was hot.
That story sound weird when it's not put into context. However, the context would require context for the context and it's a big whoop-de-do that I would not prefer not to get into right now. Just know that as a 13 year old, a really hot 17 year old watched me jerk off for a bit before she screamed at me.
She caught me, I wasn't doing it like in her room when she was supposed to be out or something. I was in my home. Just forget it.
My favorite aphrodisiac is Gatorade and a pack of cigarettes.
My least favorite aphrodisiac is yard work.
If we could pretend you were single and I were attractive for a few hours, would you go get consider eating pears with me while we watch the winter tide come in at the pier? Because if so, we should think of hiring a black and white photographer to record it.
Labels: the greatest shit ever
you are a freak and correct me if i am wrong, but that is awesome.
if you were 33 and I was 24, I would watch you jerk off until you finished and then I would start screaming. but in a good way.
i'm a french girl, from versailles, i don't understand everything you write but i just think it's totally fascinating
maybe you can't stand frenches?
Okay, that's it.
I've watched the movie but now I am gonna get that book and read it.
Your fascination with Yossarian is...interesting.
i would eat pears with you on the pier, if i were single, and if you were attractive.
you set yourself up for that one.
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