03 January 2006

Forbbiden City

Right. Work sucks. I hate it. I don't know why anyone works. I want to sit on my ass, watch my cock get smaller and watch TV all day every day. In between sitting on the sofa I want to eat chicken wings or sushi and go back to sitting around. They say to do what you know and are good at. I believe those are my only talents.
It has rained for 13 straight hours today. I cut myself to see color. I'm bullshitting. My blood is gray too. I'm a serial lady-killer. But only in the alpha-numeric sense of the word.
My dreams are increasingly apocalyptic. I sadly enjoy sleeping.
Attractive privates shouldn't make eyes at me when I am in uniform. The results could result in me losing my commission.
No Mr. Man. You don't know me. We never met. Don't look at me like that. Yes I drink for lunch. I don't owe you one second of my life. No Mr. Man. I’ve never been to Mexico. I like myself the way I am thank you. I got it under control. I know what I'm doing. Thanks. No Mr. Man. The diplomas on my wall are not a representation of my brains. Nor are my brains a reflection of the diplomas on my wall. Yes, Mr. Man. This picture I drew is a representation of me going down on your wife.
I remember the first time I was inside her. I sank in slowly. She seemed to wrap around me, she formed to me. Barry White was on the stereo, and he was doing his part. The light shone down on her like a halo. She glowed as I turned things and press buttons, I had no idea what I was doing. Soon after I learned all about what to turn and press. She got louder when I did this, so I did it more. I wasn't in her very long the first time. But that was something we remedied in a few days. I love my car.


Blogger Blush said...

if i gave out awards, youd get one for this...

3/1/06 18:30  
Blogger unkind said...

The bliss of the initial penetration...and the post-nut revulsion that results in you making up some story about a friend in the hospital or some shit to get them to leave.

Ah, l'amour.

3/1/06 18:39  
Blogger Yossarian said...

i was talking about my maiden voyage in the acura. but i do making up lies to get out of post coital interaction.

3/1/06 18:43  
Blogger Blush said...

initial penetration...nothing like it. you should try it in the acura...that'd be like double penetration, right?

3/1/06 20:19  
Blogger Blush said...

oh and if post-coital interaction involves more than "bring me some water" youre not having the right kind of sex.

3/1/06 20:22  
Blogger unkind said...

No, I was talking about your car, too...

3/1/06 20:26  
Blogger Joe said...

with this post I worship at your feet...you are a master of subtlety

4/1/06 12:55  

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